Health Effects Of Chocolate Essay

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Chocolate (cocoa) has been known for its sweet taste and its effects on health for centuries. Earlier, chocolate used to be slammed for its fat content and a lot consumption of chocolate becomes a sin more than benefit , associated with obesity,caries, high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary artery disease. So, many physicians started to warn patients about the health hazards of consuming large amounts of chocolate. However, recently it’s discovered that biologically active phenolic compounds in cocoa have changed this conception and motivated research on its effects in ageing, oxidative stress, blood pressure regulation, and atherosclerosis. Today, chocolate is glorified for its enormous antioxidant potential. However, in many …show more content…

But during the 1600s, people began grinding big amounts of cacao beans in grinder, producing much more chocolate and reducing the cost. The invention of smooth milk chocolate also increased the treat’s popularity. The first chocolate shop in London, England, was opened in 1657. In the 1700s, a steam-driven chocolate grinder was invented, permitting factories to speedily make tons of affordable chocolate.

Today, chocolate is a preferable and affordable treat in many countries.

3. Where chocolate comes from You will surprise when you know that chocolate actually grows on trees. That does not mean that you can collect a segment of chocolate from a tree branch and eat it. In fact, the chocolate growing on trees looks, tests and smells is not like the chocolate you eat.
The tree that gives us chocolate is the cacao (Kah-KOW) tree. Chocolate comes from beans that are found in a big pods on the tree. Cacao trees grow near the equator, where it is hot and wet.
Today, most cacao trees are grown on farms called plantation.
The trees have much small white or yellow flowers that bloom during the year. Some of the flowers turned into pods, but most do not.
The pods are formed like small footballs. The pods are green when they first form, but they change to a golden or reddish color as they get

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