The Importance Of Reading In A Student's Native Language

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The way in which a person learns to read in his/her native language is varied. There are several reading strategies that can be used to enhance a student’s desire and ability to read. First, there is guided reading. With this technique the reader can either read aloud or to someone. However, pre-reading is important. In the pre-reading step, the book or reading material is discussed by the reader and the adult. When the reader has a general idea of what the book will be about, he/she has a great percentage rate of self-correcting errors. The reader and teacher may discuss the title and make predictions or even look at the pictures prior to reading. Once the child has mastered guided reading, he/she will be able to read independently. With independent reading, the child chooses a book of interest. Independent reading may be done during class time or at home. Independent readings is also referred to as sustained silent reading and drop everything and read. Research supports that the best age to begin learning to read is around six or seven.
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With intensive reading, the teacher helps the ELL student understand a text by explaining it line for line in his/her native language. This can be an important aspect of a reading program for students who are learning a second language; however, it should not be the only strategy. This strategy has many benefits-comprehension, irregular sounds, vocabulary, cohesion, structure, genres, and the concept of strategies. Comprehension is the most important aspect of reading. Without comprehension, reading is purposeless. Many ELL students have problems with grammar. Intensive reading can be used to practice grammar as well. A student may be asked to identify the subject and verb within a sentence or identify which word the pronoun is referring back

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