Realism Vs Classical Realism

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In International Relations, there are many theories that explain events and state behaviour from different perspectives. These theories help us to understand the world which we live in. Certain theories have been popular at different times to explain the phenomenon of the international order. New theories emerge to replace old ones that no longer have the ability to explain the current global conditions to the fullest extent. Realism has been the most long-standing and well accepted theory in the academic community, however even it has separate streams of the theory. Neoclassical Realism essentially pertains to the studying of power in the international system. In contrast Constructivism aims to highlight the shortcomings of the Realist school of thought. I aim to explore the key concepts and differences between Neoclassical Realism and Constructivism. Neoclassical Realism is first defined by Gideon Rose in his 1998 article, "World Politics Review Article". Neoclassical Realism is essentially the combination of Neorealism and Classical Realism, however rather than combining the two theories together, Neoclassical Realism introduces additional elements and changes to help understand the states ' behaviour and world issues. Neoclassical Realism is categorized in the Realist school of thought. In Gideon 's article he explains that Neoclassical Realism incorporates internal and external variables, updates, and systematizes certain ideas of Classical Realism. It also explains

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