Reality Counseling Theory

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Framework of the Study A certain study could not stand firm without its foundation. In this figure, it will show the different parts of the framework of the study. Clients with behavior problems will undergo Reality Counseling Technique (RCT) with a step-by-step process. This technique was based on different theories and concepts that made the foundation sturdy. Fig. 1 Diagram of Theories and Concepts The Republic Act 9258 which is more popularly known as the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 is a law crafted and designed to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines. According to this law, guidance and counseling is the profession that involves the use of an integrated approach to the …show more content…

In addition to this, the CMO No. 21, s. 2006 Article 1, section 3, states that an educational institution seeks to form individuals who can later become productive citizens of the country and the world. Its responsibility is not only confined to the teaching and development of job skills, but also to the acquisition of life skills and values. Student Affairs and Services, therefore, must systematically and deliberately address this end objective of producing citizens suited to the aims of the country. The Reality Therapy or Reality Counseling Technique of Dr. William Glasser served as the foundation of this study. It was developed in the mid-sixties by William Glasser, MD, an American Psychiatrist and Psychologist and its techniques, theory and wider applications continue to evolve in his hands. Reality Therapy or RCT is a method of therapy which teaches people to understand the needs that have developed through the evolution of our species and that drive all human beings; to make more effective choices to meet those needs; to take control of their own lives; and to develop the strength to handle the stresses and problems of life. The Reality Therapy or RCT model …show more content…

The procedures in Reality Counseling Technique include the following: Involvement, Current Behavior and Self-Evaluation, Planning Possible Behavior, Commitment to the Plan and, Carrying out the Plan. In involvement, establishing a relationship with the client is believed to be the most important factor in all types of therapy. Without this relationship, the other steps will not be effective. The next procedure is current behavior and self-evaluation, whereas, emotions are sources of information about how a person is doing and whether he or she is happy with what is going on in his or her life. But it is very hard to choose and to change a person’s emotions directly. It is easier to change his or her thinking and behavior. So Reality Therapists approach changing “what a person does” as a key to changing how a person feels and to get his or her wants. Further, while traditional psychoanalytic and counseling often focuses on past events, Reality Therapy solutions lie in the present and the future events. The therapist asks the client to make a value judgment about his or her current behavior which presumably is not

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