In addition to these arguments, uniforms may be uncomfortable for the students. Uncomfortable situations are just so, well, uncomfortable. It is cruel to force someone into being uncomfortable day after day. Another quote from Chen 's writing, "...uniforms may not be comfortable for all students. As it is important to ensure that the student is comfortable in order to maximize learning outcomes, uniforms may stymie academic focus.
I agree with these students and I wouldn’t want to be forced to wear a uniform either. To begin, parents don’t want to pay the extra money for a school uniform. It’s extremely expensive and the student 's parents have to buy even more appliances on top of that. Let’s weigh the pros and cons of school uniforms states, “The cost of uniforms is prohibitive, especially when a family includes more than one school-aged child.”
Public schools do not require students to wear uniforms, but public schools do have a dress code which every student must adhere to. People believe there should be uniform because it reduces bullying by instilling discipline among students. Students cannot express themselves and wear their favorite clothes. According to Nancy E. Bailey, PhD, an education author and activist, she states that ,“ Students should learn to make informed decisions about the clothes they wear.”( Overall, people should consider public schools because of it does not require uniforms.
School is a place where kids should be able to express themselves, not be put in regulated clothing. School is probably one of the only place kids can express themselves. Kids should not have to wear uniforms because uniforms take away our freedom of expression.
School uniforms are not good for schools, and should be
There are many reasons why we shouldn 't have school uniforms but I thought this is the most important reason, uniforms give the administrator too much control over the students yes it 's good to have control over the students but with uniforms it is a little too much control. Uniforms allow the school decide to choose what you wear and later in life they won’t know how to think for themselves they will have to rely on someone else or they will always be over dressed, I know what you 're thinking what 's wrong with being overdressed well it may be better than underdressed but there are times to be overdressed like weddings or funerals but not like at the beach or birthday parties if you do it makes you look like snooty rich kid thats why its not good to always be
For example, it becomes less of a best-dressed competition and more of a best-body competition. Students, particularly girls, can develop physical and mental disorders from having to wear uniforms. For example, girls might think they always have to be skinnier to look the best in the uniforms that everyone else is looking skinny in. Students should not have to wear uniforms because it makes people self conscious and takes away their focus on learning. For example, student will be constantly checking if they look good in the outfit or looking at others and comparing themselves, and then totally forgetting about the learning part of school.
In the article, Arguments Against School Uniforms, it says “ policies(dress codes) place limitations on freedom of expression…” This quote explains why most kids think dress codes are living nightmares. When all students look the same, it doesn’t let them express who they really are. Whenever kids wear what they want, they can express their personality through what they wear. On the contrary, the only problem about not having dress codes is that some kids bully each other for what they wear, which is totally unacceptable.
Those against school uniforms hold the position that students will find other ways to cre-ate peer pressure if not allowed to wear whatever they choose. The key to the truth here is that uniforms do not eliminate all peer pressure, but they do limit it and restrict the areas in which it can be imposed. As teacher Ms. Evans said, "When all students are wearing the same outfit they are less concerned about how they fit in with their peers. Kids can develop strong feelings of in-feriority when they think they do not have the popular clothes. " This threat to a child 's self es-teem can cause him or her to behave poorly and seek attention (Huss 36).
At times, some parents and children oppose uniforms in public schools argue that uniforms would take away individuality and not allow the student to show his/her personality through clothing. But these parents and their children are missing the sole purpose of school in the
Even though some thought that uniforms could stop bullying, they didn’t. Some might have said that they encouraged it. Students shouldn’t be forced to wear uniforms. It violates their rights. They are not allowed to wear anything to express themselves.
Envision waking up every morning to put on the same outfit and walk out the door, stress free. People would not have to worry about what fits, or what is fashionable at the time. Schools would not have to worry about inappropriate clothing but at the same time, that clothing may be a way for a student to express himself. Many schools view uniforms as a solution to several problems, but many schools view uniforms as a lack of self expression. School uniforms should continue, even though children may not get to express themselves, because they prohibit violence, provide cheaper lifestyles, and promote better education.
School uniforms give students a sense of unity because they feel like they can fit in without fear of being too different. Making a dress uniform mandatory will decrease sexual harassment, create more interesting humans and make schools safer. A school uniform would make schools safer. The idea of wearing uniforms to schools was originally introduced to reduce violence in schools in 1996 by the Department of Education (Underwood, 1).
It actually has a lot of benefits like reducing distractions, reducing peer pressure or bullying, saving money, and enhancing school pride. At first glance, fashion might seem to have very little to do with learning, but as the saying goes, the clothes makes the student. Mandatory uniform policy has made a distinct difference in many schools. School uniforms will keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. According to A bulletin published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals stated that "When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork".
In the article of Dr. Alan Hilfer from 2009, “Disadvantages of a School Uniform Policy” stated that “We need free thinking children of to become thinkers of tomorrow, not droned who will continue making the mistakes of previous generations”(Hilfer, 2009). Feelings on school uniforms seem to differ as much as the reasons for having them, hate it, or love it. Recent studies done in the University of Alabama states that: “Student Uniform use was not significantly correlated with any of the school commitment variables. In addition, students wearing uniforms did not appear to have any significantly different academic performance” (Brunsma & Rockquemore, 1998). The problem whether schools should still be continuously implemented is a highly debatable topic.