Received Pronunciation Essay

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Introduction The aim of this essay is to give an overview of Received Pronunciation as the most prestigious variety of among the English accents. First of all, there is an introduction about what RP is, which is followed by the answer to the question of who speaks RP. To continue, I will focus in the different categories in which the accent is divided according to several phoneticians who have studied the accent. Following this, I will centre in the main changes the accent has suffered, following by some information about the current situation in relation to the number of speakers. Finally, there is a conclusion to summarize the most important aspects of the essay. What is RP? RP, Received Pronunciation, is an English accent, known as the most prestigious one. It developed from what was essentially a …show more content…

As this accent emerged from the accent of upper and privileged classes, it is spoken by the higher ranks of the society such as aristocrats. Due to this fact, speaking with this accent gave the impression of belonging to the upper society, so that; the elite members could not speak with any regional accent. Although this accent is widely understood and recognized, it is nowadays spoken just by the 2-3% of the population. It is also the accent of the Royal family, hence it is also known as the Queen’s English. Besides, it was the accent of the court and of some politicians, but their accent is being modified for other more similar to Estuary English rather than RP. During the 1930s and 1940s, RP was heard in the voice of the BBC radio announcers, reason which also gives it the name of BBC English. The fact of being the accent of the BBC makes people more conscious about the prestige of this accent as Rebecca says: ‘By using only RP speakers as announcers and newsreaders, the BBC underlined the social importance of the accent, and in the public mind RP became even closer linked with high status and intellectual competence’ (2006:13) RP

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