How To Unleash Your Creativity Essay

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Unleash Your Creativity!

Creativity has often been the misunderstood child of the genius family. This misunderstanding has brought along with it a tainted picture of what creativity is, what function it serves, and where it comes from. The creative process remains one of the great mysteries of the human spirit. How do we create the things we do?

Many people have said that creativity is the process by which we connect spiritually, connect with people, and connect with the world. It is safe to say that through creativity, we connect with some energy, some force, some thing. And it is through this connecting process that we have the opportunity to use our creativity to effect change in our lives.

If we choose, we can become more aware of our creativity blocks. Through this process, we can become more creative, more connected, more trusting, more enthusiastic, and more focused on our success.

Here are the five steps to higher creativity as well as five related traps to watch out for. Being a creative individual with a passion for a new project can be exhilarating, and with these five steps and some awareness about who you are, you can climb to place you never thought possible.

Step 1: Completion

In other words, take out the trash! Our homes are filled with goodies, gadgets, and garbage that we don�t need. …show more content…

Creative individuals often find themselves narrowing down their vision and getting stuck in the fear of not being able to live up to their vision. �It has to be this way or it�s not going to work!� Keep in mind that all you are doing is coming up with what you want to create and not how you are going to create it. Keep the perfectionism gremlin at bay by understanding at a deep level that you are human and that you will do the best you can with what you have available to you. You don�t have to wait �until the exact right moment.� And besides, any mistake you make (whether large or small) will be a

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