Traditional Education Reflection

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In this journal I will like to reflective on these Innovative ideas to report to the school board that will help teachers, coming in one hour early and staying one hour late to prepare their lesson for the next day and if a student needs extra help the time is available for the student to receive the help. The second innovation will be to provide teachers with mentors to help assistance in their grade level that they will be teaching. Thirdly, to make sure that teachers receive the resources that is needed to help them to be successful teachers.
In a pre-k -12 grade institution moving from a traditional to a modern transformational institution but, still implementing some of the traditional. As Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon mention, how does it happen that in the same school district, teachers in two schools view their work so differently from each other? In Meadow Valley Middle School, teachers come to school within 15 minutes of the required arrival time and leave school 15 minutes after the last bell. If a teacher arrives earlier or stays later, other teachers’ questions and glances make that teacher feel as if he or she shouldn’t be working more than the required time. To do so is to violate an unspoken norm …show more content…

When I first started teaching a mentor was provided for me so, that I wasn’t isolated from being successful in the classroom. As Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon discuss, how teachers work in isolation from one another. They view their classrooms as their personal domains, have little access to the ideas or strategies of their colleagues, and prefer to be left alone rather than engage with their colleagues or principals. Their professional practice is shrouded in a veil of privacy and personal autonomy and is not a subject for collective discussion or analysis (Glickman, C. D., Gordteon, S. P., & Ross-Gordon, J. M.

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