Reflection On Creative Thinking

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I got in the whole area of creative thinking.
Well, actually if I look back, just because I was raised on this farm in Norther Minnesota and I love being outside with everything going on. You all think some kind of creativity kind of just got activated. But I didn't really know there were formal ways to do it. Until I ended up at a school in Minnesota with the principal who you're going to think you'll know by the end of today. His name is Mr. Bronis. I was thinking about it this morning of the fact that actually, it's because of Mr. Bronis that I stand here today. He was a principal who came into my life at the right time in my teaching career to help me become a better teacher that I ever thought that I could become.
Now, did I like him every day? No. Did I think sometimes he pushed too much? Yes. But in reflection back, was he the best thing that ever happened to me professionally? Yes. Now, one …show more content…

Bronis got this idea that some teachers needed to go to this workshop on creativity. Did we want to go? No. Not only that it was five full days and guess who got chosen. I got chosen, Cheryl from next door. Now, I am here to tell you. I didn't wouldn't have said so the first day, but I am here to tell you. Sometimes it's ok if the principal forces you to do something you don't want to do. Because if he had not forced me to go to that workshop, I would have never done my Master's thesis on creative thinking which meant I would have never gone for a Ph.D. which means that I never would have even done all the things that I've done in all the schools over the years for creative thinking for years and years and years. So thank you, Mr. Bronis for making me go to something I did not want to go to. It was a workshop called 'Creative Problem Solving

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