Reflection On Faith Tradition

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The purpose of this reflection paper is to demonstrate an insightful understanding of the early faith tradition. The outline reflects how I present my faith and tradition. Examples of Scripture are encompassed below. Developing an inimitable personal devotion to the body of Christ 's (church) ministry and widening the faith in the communities is a major goal, that can be accomplished through guidance from the Holy Spirit, faith, the Bible, and literature from various authors.
I. Introduction: Early Faith Tradition • The early Christian view of tradition is that, the faith of Christ stems from God, the Almighty and was given to the apostles by Christ. My presupposition is that, the Roman Catholic apologists emphasize on the tradition of the early church that there is other unwritten oral apostolic traditions. • Historically the Evangelical Protestants considered the Biblical scripture to be the primary and final source for early faith tradition and practice. • Early Christian creed or dogma were based on the apostolic preaching, considered to be preserved in tradition and in New Testament Biblical scripture.
II. Reflecting on my faith tradition: I was raised in a Catholic traditional setting and then become Baptist. Catholic and Baptist views are extremely similar. • The values and beliefs that were encouraged regarding Catholic/Baptist tradition believes that the Bible is an essential part of our Christian life.

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