Reflection On Integrity

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This week the topic of discussion in class was integrity. Integrity is something we all desire, but how do you know if you have it? And what exactly is it anyway? Sometimes it is easiest to think about something out of its immediate context. Often you will hear, integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to uphold oneself to consistently moral and ethical standards (Ashkenas, 2011). In my perspective, integrity best manifests in situations in which you are not held accountable. To paraphrase a popular definition of integrity, having integrity is doing the right thing even though no one is looking. It bears emphasis that among the many things that constitutes a person of integrity, bravery and owning up to your …show more content…

The most important question to arise out of this topic is do I have a high standard of self-integrity? Referring back to the Moral competency inventory I completed in week one, my results with regards to integrity proved to be on the weaker side. It was unusual to me considering I have prided myself on my ability to be honest. It then occurred to me that honesty was only scratching the surface of what integrity really was. It was for this very reason my score was low, I simply did not fully comprehend the extent of what integrity truly is. With the help of the MCI I was able to dig deeper into what qualities one must display or not display to be considered a person of integrity. Through the MCI I discovered I fell short in areas such as lack of willingness to help others, being too caught up in yourself is never a good trait this usually results in selfishness. My self-esteem rises and falls with the opinions of others. How can you have integrity when you depend on the opinions of others and not yourself? Lastly making to many compromises, staying true to yourself and not letting others take advantage of you is important. Pleasing everyone is not healthy in the long

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