Essay On Musicophilia

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Musicophilia After reading the book review of Musicophilia, I think that the Dr. was so drawn to music, piano music in particular, because it is soothing and calm. I think that before his accident, he was very nervous and not calm at all. He was a surgeon, so I can only imagine that his job was very stressful, and that carried into his everyday life. After his accident, I believe that he needed something that was relaxing as a sort of rehab or physical therapy. I think that there are many types of soothing instruments that Cicoria could have listened to, but I bet that the piano was the most comforting solo instrument to him. Also, he probably enjoyed the piano because in his past, a less stressful time, he learned how to play the piano. So, the piano music brought him back to when he was younger, most likely happier and less stressed. Of …show more content…

I would want some kind of comfort and reassurance, which could be found in music just like Cicoria. I find it very interesting that they both had a connection to music after their traumatic accident. I don’t think that it is an accident at all. I believe that since they both had such serious accidents, and both affecter their head, that their brains need some way to express and control what and how they are feeling, and their brain has chosen to do that through piano music. I think that I would feel the same way if something like this ever happened to me. I would understand that it has to do with a way of dealing with the stress that has occured to me because of the accident. This connection with music after a traumatic event seems quite normal to me. The relationship between music and trauma has a psychological reasoning. Music therapy is a way to deal with some kind of trauma or disaster that has happened to someone. It can help a community, group, or just an individual person figure out how to deal with what is going on in their

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