Personal Reflection: My Experiences With Group Work

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Prior to the initial meeting, I was quite reserved about meeting up with my group. My experiences with group work are not good, as I find that nearly every group has someone who either controls the entire project or has someone who leaves work until the last minute, leaving the rest of the group to be stuck behind as the project cannot progress without everyone’s input. I had only worked with one member of my group before, and while my experience with this member was good, I was still slightly apprehensive. Meeting up with the group the first time, my worries were eased as no one person attempted to overtake the group, or seemed like a person who slacks off. Each of the roles were decided and I was given the role of one of the researchers, as well as one of the …show more content…

The interactions between the group were cordial and, with the assistance of the chair, no one felt like their ideas were not being heard or kept to the same standard as anyone else’s. Each student in the group kept their work to a high standard, despite the pressures of other coursework throughout the course of the project. My roles in the project, while they were shared, I felt having these specific roles was important to the final week of the project, when the designing mainly took place, as well as throughout the project, when we researched mainly our own topics, as well as having at least a brief overview of everyone else’s in the group. While minor adjustments could have been made to the project, in perhaps more work could have been done earlier, allowing for just fine tuning in the final few meetings, and while slight problems occurred throughout the project, as mentioned earlier, overall, I was proud of the project and the work done in the group as I felt everyone contributed

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