Essay On Emotional Health

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1.A. Emotional Health: When I’m feeling negative emotions, I try to confide in someone close to me. It’s definitely a lot more helpful and healthy to express how you’re feeling instead of bottling it up. I try to be empathetic with the people I come into contact with, because that is how I’d want to be treated. When I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed, I take deep breaths and repeat an encouraging mantra, such as “I can do this” or “Don’t panic, everything is okay.” This definitely helps in times when I feel panic overtaking logical thinking.
Intellectual Health: From the time I could choose my classes, I always tried to go for the most academically challenging classes. I love the feeling of being made to think beyond my intellectual comfort zone. Each month, I try to set goals for myself. These goals usually entail starting something new to challenge the way that I think about things. For example, I tried reading more science fiction books last month. Even though I wasn’t really into them, it was still nice to try expanding the horizon of my mind.
Spiritual Health: I grew up in a religious house and went to Catholic school during my first few years of school. Spirituality has always been a big part of my life. As I grew …show more content…

Emotional Health: I would like to start tuning into my thoughts more than my emotions when I’m upset. I know that when I’m really upset, I tend to just jump on whatever I’m feeling without trying to rationalize why I’m feeling that way. This would give me a boost in the direction of high-level wellness, because I would probably get a lot less upset and not react with just my emotions in mind. I would also like to start meditating when I’m upset. I think meditation is a great way to let go of whatever negative energy is holding you down. This would give me a boost in the direction of high-level wellness, because I would be able to channel the negative energy out of my life and bring in positive energy which would be reflected in my

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