Reflection About History

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This is my first history class taken in college and I have to say I have learn so much about history that I have never knew before. I am so amazed of the new knowledge I’ve received from this semester and I really appreciate the value of college. My whole family thought I was crazy and overwhelm as I unraveled the truth and mystery of the true American history. I never knew that information growing up. We were always taught Columbus was a very nice man that founded America and celebrated Thanksgiving with the Native Indians. I never thought that our history books were mostly lies and not the truth about what was happening exactly during those times. I guess it is not really lies but just the truth was being omitted and not being told to …show more content…

I am more surprised that I never knew this piece of information before. I really like learning new things, but it must be interesting like this history class. Teachers need to teach it so that we won’t forget all these important facts. I understand that they probably were told what exactly to teach but that’s not a good thing when you must leave out all the important facts and truths about history. If they were to teach us like this than I would of remember what history was like and would not have hated it as much as I did before. We need to make sure our kids know about this history because its not boring at all if everything were the truths. “In the long run, however, "learning" history this way is not really satisfying. History textbooks and most high school history teachers give students no reason to love or appreciate the subject. We must not ignore the abysmal ratings that his-tory courses receive,24 and we cannot merely exhort students to like history more. But this does not mean the sorry state of learning in most history classrooms cannot be changed. Students will start learning history when they see the point of doing so, when it seems interesting and important to them, and when they believe history might relate to their lives and futures. Students will start rinding history interesting when their teachers and textbooks stop lying to them.”

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