Reflective Essay-My Cultural Change From Louisiana To Kentucky

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My Cultural Change from Louisiana to Kentucky It was about four years ago on the day of the traditional parade in Louisiana known as Mardi Gras. This was the day that I found out the news that before I knew it, would change my life in many ways that even I didn’t expect. When I was in the place of my comfort zone, I remember the great time my family and I were having during the parade yelling things like “ Throw me something mister”, and attempting to catch as many beads as possible. Little did I know that during the process, my father had received a phone call stating that my family and I would have to transfer to Kentucky in order to maintain his job at General Motors. After the parade, in the car heading home, both of my parents told my sister and I the news. I would soon have to adapt and find a way to rediscover myself again, whilst learning the ways of a new form of culture in the state of Kentucky. Myself being in shock and trying to stop the …show more content…

My sister being a junior at the time and me being a 5th grader, our next year of school would be a big one for the both of us. My family during this time, had many tough decisions that had to be made being that we were not ready to leave and give up my sister’s high school experience in her senior year. My dad, needing to be there for work within the little time of knowing made my family go through many sacrifices, being without a dad for a complete year and going through the struggle to balance that feeling of stress with school and depression. My dad being gone to a place that I would soon live made my mind wonder what Kentucky is like and how is it different? What were the cultural differences that I will experience and how will it bind in with my background of Louisiana? I would soon know and find out for myself as the trip that will change my life would soon be a quick year

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