Reflective Essay On Loss Of Life

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Just the mere thought of dying causes fear. In just a snap of a finger it can alter a persons life. No one truly ought to view their own death. Visualizing it felt as if it would happen sooner. To come to the point, I am not yet ready. Hence, I was still enjoying this stunning life I was facing. I am still dreaming and desiring. I am not yet pleased with what I accomplished.
According to S. Luper (2014), death is defined to be the omega of life. He direct that being conscious doesn’t literally meant being alive. Dead means a loss of capacity. Advocate of the loss of life claims that if it exists, it is alive; nevertheless, at that instant it is not alive. Believing in the afterlife will be our abundant belief which will build our courage to feel that this event in our life will be our transition to the coming immense step we would be encountering. We need to detain our feet on the ground, continue our faith and discover the entire different world …show more content…

Maybe today, tomorrow, or the adjoining day. No one in point of fact perceive. Before this loss of life I will undergo, I foresee to leave my loved ones in a peaceful condition. As a matter of fact, I believe that acceptance would be my best preparation for my morality. Since no one predicts when this purported judgment day will be, accepting the reality can assist my mind set to focus and live this life as if it will be my last. There is plenty of stuff we crave for; a few were inclined enough time to accomplish what we desire before death unfortunately some are not inclined this time resulting in unjust cases that their loved ones seek. Maybe the best action to provide was to accomplish what we desire on the day you are currently living. We always hear the phrase ‘life was unfair’, however, to be much optimistic to this life we have, let us bear in mind that life was fair for the reason that it is unfair to the masses. Our acceptance will be our extensive weapon in this

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