Personal Narrative: The Mission Of God

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Briefly write your testimony and how the Lord has been working in your life recently.
Although I was raised in a Christian home , I realized when God sent me difficult trials in middle school that simply knowing things about God cannot sustain me. God is good and used those challenging times to make me aware of my need for a personal relationship with Him. My desire to read God’s word grew exponentially and my prayer life deepened in meaning. Since then, my life has not gotten easy…rather it is a daily struggle to put off the old sinful behavior and replace it with Christ-like behavior through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.

I have recently been burdened by an increased awareness of my selfishness. I’m afraid that I’ve assumed for far too long that God exists solely for my satisfaction, my salvation, my peace, my hope, etc. I’ve found that when I think that I’m …show more content…

By the Lord’s grace, He led me to a Matt Chandler sermon entitled “The Mission of God” where he lists biblical texts to show God’s passion for

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