My Reflection Of Public Speaking

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When I register for this class I was afraid of how it was going to go because I’m not the best public speaker. Once the first week went by I noticed that my professor and all my classmates were supportive, this made me feel more comfortable and therefore perform better on my speeches. This class has challenge me to overcome my fears and even though public speaking is terrifying at the beginning is a skill that everyone should work on. After working through three different speeches during quarter, I realized how there are many components that make up a speech and that there are many ways to approach to audience. There are so many things to learn about public speaking. I will walk you through my experience of each speech On my informative speech I was terrified, because I didn’t know what to expect, but after I was done the panic was gone. I didn’t know what was going to be my performance according to the checklist but it didn’t go as bad I was thinking. The fact that my classmates gave me were evaluating the speech added more pressure, but it was worth it afterwards. This give you a sense of what you are doing wrong so that way you can work on those aspects that they notice that you were having trouble …show more content…

Also, being comfortable with my audience motivated to come to class and try to give the best speech that I could’ve and that helped me to improve on my public speaking skills. I noticed that I was comfortable after the introduction speech where I had no clue that we had a speech that day so, I made the speech in class and end up talking about some facts about myself and nobody was judging me whatsoever. Finally, I want to thank you professor Katona for helping me out with my public speaking and showing me that is not that bad is just a matter of having the correct mindset and

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