Essay On The Importance Of Exercise In Hong Kong

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Introduction Weight gain and obesity has been a collective concern (Gruber,2008 ) within University Students due to the lack of encouragement and spur to do exercises. However, doing exercise has been a drift currently as heaps of cool fresh gadgets being innovated for exercising. In addition, the number of gyms in Hong Kong has likewise been growing progressively. These are all indications that exercising is vital in our society. Yet, people living in Hong Kong (Chen, 2004), specifically university students, fail to perform regular exercises. Adding to the point, Hong Kong is deficient in terms of parks and various other leisure activities settings due to its absence of large pieces of land, as Hong Kong itself is a trifling place. Although the government has lately been building vast parks like the West Kowloon Project, nevertheless the government isn’t putting enough footing in boosting its citizens to do more exercise. …show more content…

Moreover, the reason why students are impotent to perform regular exercises. As our target group was university students, henceforth Lingnan University students were directed to this study correspondingly. Results …show more content…

Moreover, Lingnan University can also decrease the number of lessons per week. By doing that, students can have more time and they will also not be lazy from university work. Hence, students can do more exercises or even do other leisure activities. Or at least Lingan University can add exercise as a must for every student, maybe the university can add new category called “Exercise Programme” in which the University would require students to do at least 5 hours of exercise per week and make it as a graduation requirement. In this way all students will do exercises only for the sake of graduating at

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