Attitude Towards Second Language Essay

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2.1 Introduction

MOTIVATION Motivation is a kind of stimulus which arouses and sustains an individual’s interest towards the direction of achieving a certain goal, including the change in attitude, interest and behaviour. It is usually in existence due to the arousal of human physiological or psychological need. ( Mok S.S. 2006) According to Woofolk (1990), motivation is an internal power which arouses, directs and control human interest and behaviour, cited from (Mok S. S. 2006). The characteristics for motivation are its existence is due to the human physiological or psychological needs, it is not inherited and does not exist naturally, it is an incentive to achieve a certain pre-determined goal …show more content…

The questionnaire was created based from the questionnaires given to the students to know the teacher’s perception towards the student’s motivation and attitude towards second language learning.
3.4 Data Collection This section will discuss on how the data will be analyzed. The data are collected through questionnaires.
3.4.1 Questionnaires The questionnaire given to the subjects was to determine and identify the subjects’ type of motivation and attitude towards second language learning. The data were collected and tabulated in a table form. This was done to see the overall subjects’ type of motivation and attitude in second language learning. The analysis was done in the frequency count and also in percentage form.

3.5 Summary
In conclusion, this chapter discloses the research method used to overcome the research problem. With this research, it is hoped that the type of motivation of the students and how motivation impacts student in second language learning could be found out. The analysis on the findings which were obtained from questionnaires and interview done by the subjects to strengthened the research. The result of the findings was the main focus of the next chapter.


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