Police Responsibility In Reducing Criminal's Opportunities

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Chapter II

Review of Related Literature De la Cruz (2007), defined Security and Safety Management as the process of crime prevention by eliminating or reducing criminal’s opportunity. A large share of responsibility in reducing criminal opportunity lies in the awareness, understanding and commitment of all stakeholders especially the police personnel. He further illustrated three elements to be satisfied in order to complete the commission of criminality. These are (a) desire (b) ability and (c) opportunity. The absence of one of these three, there will be no criminality to take place. In preventing criminality, you shoud have a control over the first two elements because these remain in the imagination of the person with interest. This means, you can have great control over the commission of criminality if you eliminate opportunity, which is the very essence of criminality prevention effort.
Anti-criminality strategies such as patrolling and police checkpoints provide police visibility that eleminates …show more content…

Whereas, fluctuations in crime rates have traditionally been used by the media and politicians to evaluate police performance, criminologists and police scholars, have raised questions about the appropriateness of this common sense practice (Bayley, 1994). Research firmly shows that social, demographic and economic forces determine the bulk of aggressive crime rates. Therefore, it becomes unjustifiable to treat crime levels as indicators of police effectiveness, particularly when police-related variables are at best very weakly related to crime rates in emperical studies. Despite the researches made on police performance accumulated in the past 30 years, the definition and thus the correct assessment of effective policing remains nebulous and intensely contested (Reiner,

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