Cognitive Development

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According to a widely believed theory by Piaget (1980), the Theory of Cognitive Development, what makes humans different from other animals is their ability to do “abstract symbolic reasoning”. It has been stated there that reasoning is the main essence of intelligence, and that understanding a new experience grows out of a previous learning experience. One of the most important findings in Piaget’s research is that children are not intellectually inferior, but, instead, answered questions differently than their elders because they thought differently. He saw cognitive development as a progressive reformation of mental processes resulting from experience and maturation. …show more content…

A research by Zebrowitz, L. and Montepare, J. (2010) assumes that social perceptions are based on physical traits. Attributes like emotion, age, or genetic fitness has produced such a strong tendency to influence the facial qualities that people overgeneralize it to others who only resemble a particular emotion, age, or level of fitness. To support this, it has been proven that baby-faced individuals are perceived to have childlike traits and are treated differently from the mature-faced people. Kindness, sensitivity, intelligence, modesty, and sociability are among those characteristics that are often attributed to physically attractive individuals in research studies. The beauty-is-good stereotype has been described by Dion, et al. as a set of beliefs and expectations that impart social advantages to attractive people. Since 1972, thousands of studies have provided evidence to support the existence and exercise of the beauty-is-good …show more content…

A research by Zebrowitz, L. and Montepare, J. (2010) and assumes that social perceptions are based on physical traits. Attributes like emotion, age, or genetic fitness has produced an evidently strong tendency to influence the facial qualities that people overgeneralize it to others who merely resemble a particular emotion, age, or level of fitness. To support this, it has been proven that baby-faced individuals are perceived to have childlike traits and are treated differently from mature-faced

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