Relationship Between Western And Western Culture

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The roots of Chinese concepts about nature are complex and often different from Western values. China has a deep history stretching back for millennia containing three major philosophical traditions: Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. None of these traditions match closely with Western conceptions of nature. The history of Chinese intellectual thought shows a continuous probing into the relationships between TIAN (heaven), DI (earth) and REN (humankind). The Daoism of the Three Powers (tian-di-ren) constitutes a holistic fusion of heaven, earth, and humanity. Tian has links to ‘nature’; this word originally referred to ’sky’. The Emperor was the ‘Son of Heaven’ and this helps one to understand how nature was a broader realm of the ancient Chinese, not limited to the terrestrial Earth. The core concept of tone ring he Yi (heaven-a human oneness) embodies the general ethos of Chinese philosophy. …show more content…

In the West,it is made up of Daoism and Buddhism as sources of environment-friendly values (Girardot et al., 2001; Tucker and Williams, 1997). But these traditions, though influential throughout Chinese history, have always been minority streams in China. Daoism and Buddhism have influenced classical poetry and painting more than they have guided how the majority of Chinese have lived their day-to-day lives (see Elvin,

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