What Does Javert Have On One Person Who Was Established At The Prison?

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Victor Hugo wrote Les Miserables and later produced as a movie by Columbia Pictures in 1998. One of the main characters Javert was a middle age man who was a tall, black-haired man with a stern look on his face all the time. He was a guard that worked at a prison and was in control of what the prisoners do or don’t do. At this prison, a young prisoner was there for 19 years and went by the name of Jean ValJean. These two men had a relationship that was yet to be discovered but would come to be soon in the future. The relationship that was established at the prison would end up lasting for the rest of their lives. The impact that change can make on one person can affect many lives around them, it’s if the person allows themself to change that can determine the good or bad from situations. …show more content…

He based his life on being the best and anyone below him would obey him, and if anyone acted up or disobeyed the rules then there would be severe punishment. If a man were to even be released from prison but was still known as a convict then he would chase after that person and make sure justice was upheld. Jean ValJean had stolen a loaf of bread and that was why he was imprisoned for nineteen years. Javert was obviously the person in charge over the prisoners at the prison, and that is where him and ValJean began their relationship that would last forever. Javert would always have the remembrance of ValJean in his mind and would do anything to bring him back into prison and take away all he had. He had no forgiveness in his heart and thought only of what was right by following the law which actually was not always the right thing to

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