Research Methodologies: Research Methodologies

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This part deals with research methodologies which consists of seven heading. There are research method, research design, subjects of the study, type of data, instrument for collecting data, procedure of collecting data, and procedures of analyzing data.
Adapted from Polit and Hungler (2004:233), research methodology is the ways of obtaining, organising, and analysing data. In this research, the researcher will draw upon qualitative research method. According to Burns & Grove (2003:356) that cited from Morse & Field (1996:1999) qualitative research is a systematic subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give the researcher meaning. The objective of qualitative research is to gain the deep …show more content…

Action research is conducted by the teacher in order to solve and get the best solution of the problem. Action research is a reflective process which will be done by using some kind of necessary technique in order to solve the problem. The researcher can be defined action research as a research which is done with the purpose of improving teaching-learning process or students’ understanding to the lesson and also solving the problems faced in teaching-learning process.
In accord with Kemmis and Mc Taggart that cited by Burns (2010:88), the procedure of action research consists of four stages. There are planing, action, observation,and reflection. In the planning stage, the researcher will identify the problem and develop some plan of action in order to bring the improvements in a specific area of the research context. In the action stage, the researcher will consider one which involves some deliberate interventions into teaching situation that will put into action over an agreed period of time carefully. In the observation stage, the researcher will observing systematically the effect of the situation and documenting the context, actions, and opinion of those involved. In the reflection stage, the researcher will reflect on, evaluate, and describe the effects of the action in order to make sense of what has happened and have to understand the issue that have explored more clearly. The researcher prefer …show more content…

the observation checklist will be used to record the students’ behavior and participation during the teaching learning process. There are some aspects which will record through observation checklist such as students’ presence in the classroom, students’ confidence in present the storytelling, students’ participation, students ‘cooperative attitude during the lesson, and students’ activity in doing individual and group assignments given by the teacher. Stringer (2007) notes that participant researchers should carefully record details of interviews, using field notes , or tape recorders for this purpose. In the observation che the researcher will also give the students chance to do the peer

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