Transformational Message Strategies

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Research methodology is the way of scientifically and systematically solving the research problem. It exhibits the plan of a research process which will be carried out during the period of the research. It includes research design, sampling plan, collecting data, processing and analyzing data and drawing conclusions.

3.3.1Research design
A research design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information. It is a framework or blueprint that plans the actions for the research project. The nature of the present study is descriptive in nature. The present study describes the impact analysis of transformational and informational message strategies of consumer durable commercials in Chennai. …show more content…

Then having identified the important and relevant concepts, the research questionnaire has been designed. Major factors under message strategies were transformational and informational message strategies. Message execution styles like visual devices, auditory devices, commercial appeals, commercial formats, commercial settings, commercial structures and tone &atmosphere were studied. Major factors of television commercials impact on buying patterns of consumer durables are also studied.
The questionnaire is divided into five parts. The first part of the questionnaire deals with the profile variables of the respondents and their preference of advertisements and its brand names which includes age, gender, educational level, occupational status, marital status, family monthly income, number of members in the family, consumer durables they watch in the advertisements and their brand …show more content…

The t-statistics
The t test assesses the statistical significance of the difference between two independent sample means. To determine whether the two sample means are viewed differently, a t- statistics is calculated. The t-statistics is the ratio of the difference between the sample means to their standard error. The standard error is an estimate of the difference between means to be expected because of sampling error, rather than real differences between means. If the t-value is sufficiently large, then statistically it can be said that the difference is not due to sampling variability, but represents a true difference.
2. Duncan 's multiple range test
Duncan 's multiple range tests, or Duncan 's test, or Duncan 's new multiple range test, provides significance levels for the difference between any pair of means, regardless of whether a significant F resulted from an initial analysis of variance. Duncan 's test differs from the Newman–Keuls test (which slightly preceded it) in that it does not require an initial significant analysis of variance. It is a more powerful (in the statistical sense) alternative to almost all other post hoc methods. When introducing the test in a 1955 article in the journal Biometrics, David B. Duncan described the procedures for identifying which pairs of means resulting from a group comparison study with more than two groups are significantly different from each

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