
Research Paper Outline For The Great Gatsby

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I. Introduction: The dream of having Money, a nice car, big house, nice clothes, and a happy life all symbolizes the American dream, but all this causes destruction. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, he validates his theme of the fatalness of the American Dream through the use of a green light to symbolize Gatsby’s goals and dreams of having a happy life with the love of his life, Daisy, through Myrtle to show how the American Dream causes destruction, and the hope for happiness can destroy happiness. II. Thesis Point one: A. Topic Sentence: The unreachable bright green light is an important part of this novel. B. First Assertion Statement: 1.The green light is seen as impossible to reach. 2. The first time that Nick and …show more content…

“ He does not realize that he only wants the is the idea of possessing Daisy, and the image he has of Daisy as the beautiful young girl every man desired before the war.” (Emad) Tom does not care much of Daisy and is also abusive towards her. He only wants her like a person wants an object. D. Third Assertion: 1.Daisy thought she had everything but in reality she had nothing except money. 2. “If he was satisfied, he would not feel the need to sleep with someone that is not his wife. This later proves to be the same for Daisy when she is reunited with Gatsby.” (Emad) After meeting with Gatsby after five years, Daisy realizes that she had only married for money. Daisy had nothing and also is not happy. If she had married Gatsby she would have had money and and happiness. 3.Clincher Sentence: Daisy’s chase for the perfect man and the American dream destroyed her happiness. V. Trying to achieve the American dream is the main part of this novel The Great Gatsby. The dream of wealth, happiness, etc. only caused destruction and corruption. Most of the characters in this novel had a desire for happiness and wealth. They would do anything to get what they want. The American Dream has caused destruction. Gatsby, Myrtle, and Daisy all has been ruined by their dreams. What these characters did not realize is that money cannot buy only love but also

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