
Resiliency In The Marine Corps Essay

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Resiliency in the United States Marine corps is a trait that must be fostered to ensure individuals have the strength to meet the challenges they will most certainly face in and out of combat. It is the Staff Noncommissioned Officer’s (SNCO) job to develop resiliency within their Marines by demonstrating ways to maintain physical, mental, spiritual, and social fitness. According to Marine Corps Order 1500.61, Leaders model behaviors consistent with our core values and serve as teachers and coaches. Throughout a Marines career he or she will almost immediately face some type of physical challenge, for most it may be the initial strength test at recruit training or the initial physical fitness test. It is here during these monumental stages …show more content…

However, whenever a SNCO or leader utilizes the chaplain for their services it is kept a secret and most often not spoken about. The 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps stated, “In addition to serving as models for their subordinates, leaders must champion efforts to instill spiritual fitness in order to advance character development” (ALMARS 027/20, 3). To serve as a model to subordinates leaders must not be afraid to show their vulnerabilities. Although it may not always be connected to religion the Marine Corps has established a plethora of services to include the Chaplains for Marines at all ranks. To get away from the narrative or the stigma that seeing the Chaplain is weak SNCO’s must embrace their trials and tribulations as well and show subordinates it is okay to seek help. According to MCRP 6-11C Page 2-11, The final strategy for strengthening mental fitness – leadership – is the most fundamental of all because Marines and Sailors depend on it for their success. In MCRP 6-11C it talks clear communication towards your Marines, which is vital to ensuring your Marines and Sailors are prepared mentally. Also, keeping your Marines informed, one of the Marine Corps Leadership principles is designed so that leaders such as SNCO’s can help prevent stressful situations by realistic training. It is the job of the SNCO to implement realistic training and provide constant feedback and updates so that subordinates can plan and operate at a high tempo both in and out of combat. When these fundamentals are done correctly subordinates should be able to reduce mental stress even in the reality that in this profession it may never actually be eliminated. Many of the Corps SNCO’s are aware of outside agencies and able to get their Marines the help they may need, as well as finding creative ways of providing realistic training to keep their

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