Response To Intervention

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Response to Intervention (RTI) has been one of the most effective methods used in education to keep students from failing. In 2004, the Individuals with Disabilities Act funded RTI instruction in the U.S and in 2011, 71% of school districts adopted the process (Robins, 2013). It is defined as a, “Multi-tiered service delivery model in which struggling students receive differentiated research based intervention per the demonstrated academic or behavioral needs of the child” (Ockerman, 2015). RTI is divided into three tiers. The first tier includes instruction for all students. This may include elements that may not be integrated with the general education such as universal screening (Ockerman, 2015). For students who do not make adequate progress in the regular classroom in Tier 1, they are provided with extra instruction in small groups based on their needs in the general classroom in Tier 2. The intensity varies across the group size due to the frequency and duration of intervention and the level of training of the professionals (Robins, 2013). Tier 3 involves intense and effective teachers who give individual instruction for students who don’t succeed in Tier 2. Generally students who do not achieve the desired level of progress through these tiers, are then referred for an evaluation and considered eligible for special education services under the …show more content…

RTI requires close monitoring and documentation of student’s responses to research-based instruction in general education classrooms so students cannot just stumble into failure until they meet a qualification score (Searle, 2010). Although RTI can take weeks to determine whether interventions work, teachers around the nation have provided positive instruction that has changed the lives of many

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