Remanufacturing In Logistics

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This section further investigates how the benefits and challenges mentioned in the theoretical framework will influence the use of remanufacturing as a successful practice in the reverse logistics of companies. It also tries to provide an answer to how the use of remanufacturing can increase which coincides with the original aim of this paper.

There are according to the theoretical framework several reasons for considering remanufacturing to be a part of the reverse logistics for companies in the automotive industry, these benefits are the societal, environmental and economical. There only exists a limited supply of natural resources on earth, and with the current situation we have today with ever increasing demand and consumption, these resources …show more content…

(2012), is the public perception by the customers of the actual quality of the remanufactured products, if they see it as second-hand to completely new products or not. This is an important aspect since it will affect whether a company believes it profitable or not to implement the remanufacturing in their reverse logistics, which might not happen if the customers believe that the remanufactured products are something that is second best. If however the right information can be channeled properly to customers by developing appropriate marketing strategies, they could be provided with a better understanding of the nature of these processes, the actual quality that is attained, and the real industry goals and objectives of using remanufacturing. The customers might then increase their acceptance of remanufactured goods and allow the companies in the automotive industry the opportunities of using remanufacturing as a business strategy in the reverse logistics, allowing them to further extend their knowledge and investments in this principle.

The effect of these problems regarding the use of remanufacturing in the reverse logistics will with high probability decrease in the coming years, since successful applications of remanufacturing practices in the reverse logistics is working and generating high profits for the big automotive companies mentioned earlier such as BMW, Volkswagen, Rolls Royce, Honda, Toyota, and Ford. These results that has been achieved from the above mentioned companies in the automotive industry is a good sign for the increased use of remanufacturing as a principle in the reverse logistics and for it to succeed in the coming

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