
Rhetorical Analysis Of Gianna Jenson's Speech

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Gianna Jenson, the author of a powerful speech regarding abortion, explained her horrible personal experience with the process when she explained in detail, her story at a pro-life speaking event. The audience was captivated by her language and the way she made the audience think about her speech and exactly how she delivered it. The author wrote this impactful speech in order to share her story with others and hope it would influence at least one person and alter their opinion. Gianna Jenson writes and effective argument against abortion in order to tell her own personal story by appealing to the reader’s sense of pathos, using rhetorical questioning and charged emotional language.
For instance, throughout the speech, the author’s dedication …show more content…

When Gianna Jenson addresses the argument that abortion should be legal for support of women’s rights, she states “if legalizing abortion is about women’s rights, where were my rights as a female when my brain desperately tried to search for oxygen while the saline solution was supposed to kill me before I could even think.” This strong rebuttal to the argument makes the audience think, if abortion is in women’s rights, why isn’t the baby allowed those same basic rights, or even the right of survival? Again, Gianna puts the topic of standing up for your rights into perspective for the audience by saying, “how much are you willing to take and how much are you willing to risk to speak the truth in love and in graciousness, to stand up and at least be willing to be hated, or at the end of the day is it all about you, or me?” In other words, Jenson asks the audience how far they will go to stand up for what they believe in, because she went as far as delivering a speech about the topic to the public. This provokes the audience to wonder if their arguments were valid enough and if their personal thoughts are strong enough to be fought

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