Rita Schizophrenia Analysis

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As the movie continues, Betty reaches her Aunt Ruth’s home, which is the same place where the brunet has taken refuge. Through the brunet’s character we can understand Jameson’s Schizophrenia .Here the lady has no track of what happened and doesn’t fully connect with her past or future. She takes her name ‘Rita’ from Movie poster of Gilda to continue with her life post the accident. Here explains two things, one that of her schizophrenia and the other her loss of identity.
They both go in search of Rita’s past to unfold the mystery and rediscover her identity. Betty takes up Rita’s situation as if it is a case to solve. She even makes a call to police, checks the newspaper and telephone directory to solve the puzzle. We are reminded of the Nancy drew- model detective novels at this point, where we the girls are enthusiastically adventurous in the finding out the riddle.
The scene of Betty’s audition for a movie role in Hollywood, is a crucial juncture where we elements of dramatic moments unveil in the film. Reading them along with scenes of Adam’s helplessness as director whose creative freedom is taken away we get a sense that we feel certain familiarity with what we see. The dialogues, the exploitation of the female gender, the patriarchy, cynicism towards the working of movie industry are all played before us …show more content…

In the 2nd half of the film, the characters are splitted and the crisis of identity emerges in most of them. Betty Turns Diane, Rita becomes Camilla, Coco (Ann Miller), who was manager of Betty’s Aunt Ruth takes the role of Adam’s Mother. Then there’s a mysterious woman who plays Camilla Rhodes in first half and then she her identity till the end of the movie remains suspicious.’ The loss of self’ is also a major facet in postmodernism, which rejected the idea of individualism, as it was considered outdated in the time of late