Evolution Of Public Relations

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Summarize Key Points The article begins by stating that it is going to be discussing ethics in public relations and how the standards have changed over the years. Various definitions of ethics are reviewed and then ethics with regard to the work carried out by public relations specialists is mentioned. The fundamental values of ethics in public relations such as honesty, respect, direct communication, and loyalty are mentioned. The question of whether or not public relations can have ethical components is examined. An example about the public relations firm Hill and Knowlton is provided to justify that most public relations specialists support causes, regardless of their ethics, as long as they get paid. The evolution of public relations specialists in then reviewed. It started around 1850 with the “the public be damned era,” in which the public relations strategies of the time centered on “hyperbole, sensationalism, and often lacked truth.” In 1906, the practices started to become more geared towards informing the …show more content…

With the chaos that ensued in the 1960s, the strategies of public relations became more “open, ethical, and socially responsible.” The section about the evolution of public relations concludes by discussing how public relations went from being a profession that emphasized propaganda and manipulation of information to one that emphasizes ethics and

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