Role Of Marriage In Marriage

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CHAPTER FIVE ADJUSTMENT IN MARRIAGE Marriage brings together two people from different backgrounds and upbringing to live together permanently till death separates them. This poses certain challenges for both the couple and their parents. People are influenced by the way they are brought up and the environment in which they grew up and usually that influence is brought into marriage. Unless couples are willing to make some adjustments, living together becomes a painful experience. Each stage of the marriage relationship from the beginning to the end requires adjustment by couples if they are to continue to enjoy it. ADJUSTMENT REQUIRES LEAVING, CLEAVING AND BECOMING ONE FLESH Marriage is an intimate relationship requiring commitment, thus, from inception it was founded on the principle of leaving, cleaving and becoming one flesh (Genesis 2:24-25). A man must leave father, mother and any other relationship that affects his commitment to the relationship to cleave to his wife for them to become one. Besides people, there are other things coming between couples or hinder their commitment to the relationship like husband and wife living apart on account of work or school. Sometimes, they may work and live together but they are so engrossed in their official work that their relationship suffers. For couples who are unable to live together because of work or school, they must device a means of building intimacy regardless of the distance between them. Their relationship must remain a priority to both of them when they are apart and when they have the opportunity to be together. We have met situations where the couples are living apart and yet when the one that is away comes for weekends, instead of staying with …show more content…

Differences in food and the manner of relating with in-laws especially greetings among others are important. I learnt to squat for my in-laws and my wife learnt to accept

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