Importance Of Microorganisms

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Microorganisms are pathogenic agents that attack the body and break down the immune system. They are unicellular in nature, spreading life-threatening diseases. Microorganisms are very tiny organisms , that are typically present in almost every habitat on the planet. Even though they measure just a few micrometers, they prove life-threatening when they infect the respiratory system and disintegrate the digestive health. They are ubiquitous to soil, radioactive waste, water, biomass and even organic matter. Microorganisms inhabit the bodies of life forms, like plants and animals. They are much more in number than the human cells in the human body, and thrive on the skin and within the digestive tract. Microorganisms play a very vital role in recycling nutrients. While a majority of bacteria …show more content…

Paper Currency, can be contaminated by droplets during coughing, sneezing, touching with previously contaminated hands or other materials and placement on dirty surface. Many people tongue-wet their fingers when counting money thereby, contaminating their fingers as well as currency notes. So, it is obvious that anything that gets on hands may be transferred to money and vice-versa. Paper currency is commonly handled by various categories of people during transaction. Pathogenic microorganisms that may survive on the currency notes may serve as potential sources of entero pathogens that cause infections and potential sporadic cases of food borne diseases. Money is handled by persons of varying health and hygienic standards and is stored under varying environmental and personal hygienic conditions. Lower-denomination notes receive the most handling because they are exchanged more often. Money may serve as an unrecognized reservoir for pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. All studies that I have come across investigating bacterial contamination on money (paper

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