Participant Observation In Qualitative Research

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Belsky (2004:277) explains that ‘participant-observation refer to the method used by researchers making observations in the course of taking part in the activities of the people they study’ Because interviewees are not always able to articulate their experiences and their feelings. Consequently participant-observation helps where there are inadequate words to express experiences (Goulding, 2000)

There are several roles which enthnographers can play within the participant-observation technique. Becker and Geer (1957) note that the role of a researcher can be either open or covert in some disguised status. Junker (1960) categorizes four forms of participant observation, which are used in qualitative research: the ‘complete observer’; the ‘observer …show more content…

In this study participant observation was chosen, the rationale for utilizing participant observation in this study lies in its strengths (Which are) , as pointed out by Carey (2009) and Denscombe (2007). Carey (ibid.) states that other methods of data collection seem to have limitations to access to what people actually do in the real-world setting. Such as, semi-structured interviews and focus groups only allow a researcher to gain the data on ‘what people say, but not on what they …show more content…

An integrated approach to sustainable tourism is primarily evolving with community based tourism Addressing environmental and social concerns through policies, practices and taking initiatives at the ground level may reduce the impact of global warming by enhancing the sustainability of the mount tourism. The environmental sustainability focuses on the overall viability and health of ecological systems.
Mountain Tourism will take its own course of time to be completely sustainable as every activity leaves a carbon footprint .The tourism industry has its own share of positive and negative impacts, but the mountain tourism can prosper and work towards becoming more sustainable by following the environmental practices.Therefore,the research topic of the ‘Issues, understanding and interpretation of sustainable tourism development in Shandong Province, China’ have been chosen by the researcher.
.3.11The pilot study
‘A pilot study need not be a “scale model” of the planned main-stage evaluation, but should address the main uncertainties that have been identified in the development

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