Essay On The Role Of Theatre In Society And Culture

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The Role of Theatre in Society and Culture
Alaa L. Alnajm

Affiliation (Department of English, University of Kufa) Kufa, Iraq
University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq

Abstract this paper studies the role of theatre in society and its importance in life of people. It studies the historical background of theatre and how dramatic work began. It studies the origin of theatre. This paper also studies the interaction between audience and actor. It shows how theatre plays an important role in discovering the mistakes and faults of people through the dramatic work of actors. It examines the development of theatre throughout different eras at different places.
Key words: theatre, community ,interaction, origin of theatre, Romantic theatre.
1-1The Origin of Theatre:
How and when has drama started? Surely, no one knows, but theatre, along with human civilization itself, almost certainly has begun in Africa. In northern Africa beside the Nile River in ancient civilization of Egypt, the first recognized dramatic work had initiated, as much as five thousand years ago, probably as early as 3300 B.C. But African theatre is far older than that. The vitality of literally …show more content…

And when Western drama reappeared, as it did in Europe shortly before the year 1000, it was an altogether different product, sponsored by the same Christian Church that had once forbidden it. The earliest known dramatization of that period was not a play in the ordinary sense but rather a brief moment in the church’s Easter service, when officiating monks reenacted the biblical story of the Virgin Mary and her two companions (also named Mary) as they visit the tomb of Jesus. It is fascinating, of course, that European drama of the Christian era, like the drama of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, began with the springtime celebration of a divine

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