The Importance Of Managerial Roles In An Organization

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After completing the Managerial Roles Gap Analysis which recognized the distinctive aspects that managers take part in inside an organization, I discovered that managers were extremely critical to organizational growth and the need to undergo training to further develop their leadership skills is of great importance. In view of the spontaneous nature of change in the business world and the need to adapt swiftly to these changes, the informational, interpersonal and decisional roles are very important for managers to possess to achieve organizational goals. In Addition, I learned that the place of the interpersonal role as an attribute for modern day managers is of high value. Therefore, managers need to keep their subordinates alive and active to their responsibilities, by displaying quality leadership which involves directing the affairs of his unit through planned strategies …show more content…

In every workplace, motivation is another key factor that engenders loyalty of subordinate to their employer. Managers, need to imbibe the skill of motivation which could involve writing letters of commendation, open recognition, recommendation for promotion or by designing an Employee Work Completion Bonus Program that will compensate employees when jobs are completed on time. These motivational strategies are very important in any organization and this will enable employees to commit their strength to get results achieved at every point in time (House et al., 2004}.
Furthermore, amongst the Mintzberg’s managerial role that is of much value in managing complex workplace is the decisional and informational roles. Despite the fact that

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