
Rome: The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire

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The Roman Empire suffered many problems in its final years. There is more than one reason. A good reason why Rome fell is political corruption. The Romans couldn’t decide on how to choose an effective ruler. The Romans decided to give the position of the emperor to the highest bidder. In one hundred years there were over three dozen emperors! This caused the empire to become weak. Another thing that caused the empire to become weak was their economic problems. “To finance Rome’s huge armies, citizens had to pay heavy taxes. This hurt the economy and drove many people into poverty.” (page 8). Weakening frontiers is a great example of why Rome fell. “The huge size of the empire made it hard to defend.” (page 8). By the 300’s A.D., Germanic tribes were pressing hard on the western borders of the empire.” (page 8/9). …show more content…

One of their achievements are the use of concrete. Concrete was very useful for ancient Romans. Concrete was used to make large structures such as the pantheon. Another achievement is the Julian Calendar. The Julian Calendar was based off of Julius Caesar when he decided to base the calendar off the solar year. One achievement was definitely their architecture. “The Romans were skilled and clever builders.” (page 12). The Romans borrowed ideas from the Greeks and changed them to make them even better. “The Romans learned how to use the arch, the arch, the vault and the dome to build huge structures.” (page 12). One long lasting accomplishment is the use of Latin. “Church scribes used Latin to record important documents. Educated European nobles learned Latin so they could communicate with their peers in other countries.” (page

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