
Romeo And Juliet Depression Quotes

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“She’ll not be hit with Cupid’s arrow” this quote shows Romeo upset because Rosaline does not want anything to do with him since she wants to pursue her dreams of becoming a nun. In the play “Romeo and Juliet” we come across two characters, Rosaline and Romeo, throughout the play Romeo gives out signs of depression which the reason was revealed to be rejection, Romeo cannot believe that a lady so beautiful in his eyes did not want to be with him because she wanted to become a nun as well as staying a virgin. This shows how William Shakespeare portrays love through characters and their actions as well as their emotions, facial expressions etc. In the play “Romeo and Juliet” William Shakespeare portrays love with characters, we can see that in Romeo …show more content…

For example in Act one Scene one lines 197-201 it talks about how Romeo is so in love with this girl and he thinks she is so gorgeous but as the lines go on he soon tells Benvolio how the woman he is so attracted to does not feel the same way which Romeo is heartbroken about, “Benvolio - Groan? Why no, but sadly tell me who. Romeo - Bid a sick man in sadness make his will? A word ill-urged to one that is so ill. In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman. Benvolio- I aimed so near when i supposed you loved. Romeo- A right good markman! And she’s fair I love.” This quote shows how Romeo was upset and he was not happy but instead disappointed and angry because he didn’t get the happy ending he wanted with the girl he fell in love with, he explains how he fell in love with a girl and how she is really beautiful to him which is why he is upset that the girl

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