Romeo And Juliet Mercutio Quotes

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Mercutio Character Analysis

Today I will be going to be talking about Mercutio a character from Shakespeare's ironic tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”.

Mercutio is a witty, playful, and loyal character in the play Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio's wittiness is shown in his first appearance he is sarcastically making fun of Romeo over the dreams he had the night before. A quote the represents this “that dreamers often lie” - Mercutio. Romeo believes dreams tell the truth but Mercutio claims dreams lie.

Mercutio is also playful in one of the scenes he is teasing the nurse. “Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan’s the fairer face”. Mercutio is teasing the nurse about her age and appearance.

In the last scene Mercutio is seen in