Romeo And Juliet's Blame

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Blame is everywhere in today’s society, and is seen as immoral. Blame is described when doesn’t take responsibility for anything that they did, so they put the responsibility on someone else. This usually has a negative connotation and used when someone is in trouble for something. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, blame is everywhere in the play, especially with the death of Romeo and Juliet. In the play, Friar Laurence is foreseen as the reason of Romeo and Juliet’s death, due to the factor that they’re job was making the right choice and they didn’t do it which lead to Romeo and Juliet’s death. One factor that Friar Laurence did that lead to Romeo and Juliet’s death was allowing Romeo and Juliet to marry when they only …show more content…

Had Friar Laurence had told Romeo, it would have prevented Romeo from killing himself and then Juliet actually kills herself. In the play, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a sleeping potion that last two days, because Romeo will be back from his banishment in two days. Juliet takes the potion, because she cannot bear to be without Romeo anymore. After she takes the potion, everyone presumes that she is dead, but the only person that knows that Juliet isn’t dead is Friar Laurence and he gives anyone this information. Thus leading to Romeo taking his own life and then Juliet actually does it for real. This exhibits that Friar Laurence purposefully didn’t tell anyone, not even Romeo that Juliet was really alive. It makes the reader wonder if Friar Laurence was actually trying to have Romeo and Juliet kill themselves. Confirmation of this is can be demonstrated by someone that had had information that Juliet was alive, they would tell somebody that she was, because it’s would be moral to do. This also exhibit that Friar Laurence failed to do his job which is to always make the right choice every …show more content…

Friar Laurence was the biggest contributor of Romeo and Juliet’s death by the fact that his job was to always make the right choice, which he failed at. He failed by marrying the two lovers even though The Capulets told him not too, which led to the Capulet and Montague feud to become even worse. Another way Friar Laurence failed to make the right decision was when he didn’t warn Juliet was alive, which would have led to them both living if he had done

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