Weaknesses Of SWOT Analysis

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SWOT analysis gives the analyst (Corporate manager, strategic manager, consultant, marketer) the opportunity to integrate and synthesise diverse informations in the internal and external business environment, despite it being qualitative or quantitative in nature. It organises informations that are already known, as well as informations that have just been acquired or discovered. It deals with a wide diversity of information sources. First it gathers comprehensive informations in the micro-environment: - A company strengths and weaknesses: Strengths which are positive factors must be leveraged build upon or maintained. They generally include internal capabilities, resources as well as positive factors that may help the organization achieve …show more content…

In addition, an organisation should act to convert internal weaknesses into strengths and external threats into opportunities. The following strategies are derived from the integration attribute of the SWOT analysis. Offensive strategies: When strengths are paired with opportunities. The first strategy derived from the SWOT integration is called the offensive strategy. When a favourable internal factor meets with a favourable external factor the most favourable situation occurs. Example: If a market demands low-priced products and that a company already operates on a cost focus basis by maintaining or offering low prices then that company should make the most of such a situation and penetrate that market. Offensive strategies are used to get the maximum profit from a favourable external situation. It is the ideal situation for any company. We have enough capacities and strengths to take the utmost profit of the opportunities that arise; it is advisable to adopt growing …show more content…

The resulting outcome is the Survival strategy . Survival strategies are aimed at resisting as much as possible the adverse effects the surrounding situations might have on a company. These strategies are suitable if a company is facing external threats without the necessary internal strengths to fight against them. Example are the high prices of a company that cannot be varied due to fixed costs etc. If this is met by a market that does not accept high prices but only seeks low-cost products, there is only one way: turn around. This could be done by either exiting the market and focusing on another one or by redesigning the internal marketing mix to be able to offer lower

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