Essay On Sacrifice

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Devaan bhaavayataanena te devaa bhaavayantu vah parasparam bhaavayantah shreyah param avaapsyatha // 3.11 // 11. “Please the Gods through these (Sacrifices-Yajnas) and in turn may the Devas (the Nature Gods) bless you. Thus nourishing each other in this manner you will attain the highest good” The oblations offered in sacrifice are a symbol of man’s gratitude for all the bounties of Nature and Nature in turn blesses beings with the pleasures they seek. Ishtaan bhogaan hi vo devaa daasyante yajna-bhaavitaah tair dattaan apradaayaibhyo yo bhungkte stena eva sah // 3.12 / 12. While sacrifices nourish Devas (the Nature Gods) they in turn automatically, even without asking for anything in return, will grant you your desired objects of enjoyment. The one who merely enjoys the …show more content…

Further, Vedas advocate various types of sacrifices not only sacrifice made by offering various goods prescribed for a particular Yagna or sacrifice but also sacrifice with knowledge, sacrifice with Praana or the very life force that is within oneself, Sacrifice with scriptural study, sacrifice with austerity etc which can be considered as internal Yagnas that belong to another category of Yagnas where the offerings are not made with material goods in an outward manner. The Vedic sacrifices with goods are nothing but worship of nature gods who are in their subtle forms or the very nature itself for all its bounties and also for helping nature in its cyclical process that maintain the necessary balance in Nature without causing extremes like floods, droughts , extreme heat or cold etc. This is essential for the very existence of beings and also that of the Universe. In the internal sacrifice the offerings are made in to the internal fire of the body that consumes and converts the offerings made in to internal energy that purifies the mind. Sacrifice or Yagna in a broad sense means only Thapas or

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