
Sfmstr5 Loci Lab Report

1371 Words6 Pages

Polymorphic Markers in Sailfin Molly at the STR5 Loci
The purpose of this laboratory report is the explain and analyze the process used to determine the heterozygosity and the allele frequency of the SFMSTR5 loci in Sailfin molly, or Poecilia latipinna. Sailfin molly are a species of fish that inhabit fresh and saltwater bodies of water from South Carolina to Texas. The Sailfin molly examined in this experiment were collected from two different locations in Florida. The fish collected in one location are classified as a single population and the fish collected in the second location are classified as a second population. Population one is composed of eight (8) sailfin molly and population two is composed of five (5) sailfin molly; this gives a total population of thirteen (13) …show more content…

The results of the gel electrophoresis are summarized in Figure 2. On the gel, both populations of fish were run and analyzed for their heterozygosity. Following the conclusion of the electrophoresis, the gel was analyzed to determine how many different alleles were present at the SFMSTR5 loci. The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 2. The gel showed that in population 1, there are three different alleles at the SFMSTR5 loci and that a majority of the fish in this population are heterozygous at this locus. To determine if a fish is heterozygous or homozygous at the SFMSTR5 locus, the number of bands in a particular lane are analyzed. This gel is difficult to analyze due to the fact that it "smiles". When labeling the gel, the allele number is based on where the band is located between the 300 and 400 bp bands on the marker lane. Some of the alleles could be classified as either allele 1 or 2 due to the smiling effect. The classification of the alleles was done by comparing the band location to the location on the marker

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