A Summary Of Fraternity In Chesapeake Bay

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INTRODUCTION All the different water bodies in the world, have different concentrations of salt in them. The measure of the amount of salts dissolved in water is called salinity. According to the University of Rhode Island, Office of Marine Programs, the average measure of salinity in oceans is about 35ppt (parts per thousand). The unit of measurement for salinity is parts per thousand, which means every 10000 grams of water. So, for the average salinity of oceans which is about 35ppt, it can be deduced there is 350 grams of salt in every 10000 grams of water. The salinity of water affects different organisms in different ways. Some organisms cannot survive in water bodies with a high concentration of salt. Oysters help maintain good water quality. Oysters can tolerate water body areas with a salinity range of 10ppt – 27ppt, but if oysters are in areas with salinity above 15ppt, they (mostly their population) get affected by a disease called MSX. There has been a drought in Maryland, and I am working with an aquaculture facility to investigate whether this drought has been affecting the water quality in Chesapeake Bay. In the lower choptank …show more content…

The equation y = 931.82x + 427.2 was obtained through trendline analysis, and it best describes the relationship between salinity and conductivity. This equation is used to calculate the salinity of the lower choptank river water sample. y is the conductivity of the water sample and x is the salinity. To find the salinity, we make x the subject of the formula, substitute y with 10000μs/cm and the result will be 10.27ppt. The R² value is 0.9952, which is how well/ accurate the line of regression fits the data points. When the line fit perfectly across every data point, the R² value is 1.0, which means that our line of regression is almost perfect, and the calculated salinity is close to being completely

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