Katja Louko Case Study

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DQ #2: Using the thesis of Katja Louko in your course materials, evaluate the effectiveness of the data analysis methods used in that dissertation. How might the latest technology change the process?

The work under review is a case study of the Sanoma Corporation and the objective was to examine the motives and benefits of executive coaching from a leader’s perspective. The case company is the leading media company in Finland. To address the research objective, the study posed two main research questions that were: (1) What are the motives for the use of executive coaching from a leader’s perspective? (2) What are the benefits of executive coaching from a leaders’ perspective? . A qualitative case study was chosen as the research strategy. …show more content…

- To become a better leader in daily work.
This is then compared with the analysed literature to find out whether the things which have been mentioned the responses have equally been mentioned in the literature it is based on this that the extent of consistency or inconsistency is posited by the researcher. Another example to show this is way the researcher analysed the responses to the question about “What the challenges of executive coaching from a leader´s perspective are”
The analysis says that all the interviewees also mentioned in this part the challenges of coaching. Most of the interviewees had faced challenges that affected the success of their coaching experience. The most mentioned challenges were linked with the Executive Coachs’ qualities:
- Lack of good business and industry experience (The coach has not faced difficult leadership challenges, taken risks or made mistakes in business world.).
- Lack of leadership experience from the real business world (not being able to identify or see the real …show more content…

Therefore in order to understand the story line much more clearly, the researcher created a paragraph to differentiate between the different main ideas. Each paragraph of main ideas would have a sub paragraph of supporting ideas and followed with an example, if available. In other words with a software, the ideas can be coded hierarchically. This can help to easily sort, structure, and analyze large amounts of text or other data and facilitate the management of the resulting interpretations and evaluations. The software helps to first creating codes as free nodes by sentence or paragraph-description/summary of sentences or paragraph. This open coding if followed by axial coding which involves re-reading of codes/free nodes and re-arrangement according to theme / categories / tree nodes-creation of hierarchies by “drag” and “drop”. Finally there is the selective coding which involves re-reading of codes and categories and selection of category that most represent the cumulated categories. Higher hierarchies of the tree nodes are established to show the selected codes. There is also the ability to better define variables, and assigning colors and weights to text segments. Easy access of analysis results and a variety of visual tools are further advantages of qualitative analysis software. These applications enable critical events to emerge from the data. In a research, the most

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