Ariana Cha combats a seriously pressing topic in her writing. While many articles are very quick to bash the school lunch program, while this article can enforce it. Cha is supporting the most common argument with the school lunch program, nutritional content. Cha is stating that the nutrients are offered, but are not being accepted by the students. The audience intended for this reading is, literally, anybody that disagrees with the provided meals.
The argument that the Pleasantville School should require students to complete 40 hours of community service prior to graduation is built on some weak assumptions that fail to support the point and convince the reader. and it also misses some major points in discussing the issue in hand. First , the argument mentions that the number of teenage volunteers has declined, but it doesn`t investigate the reasons that made teenagers refuse the community services. it would be better for the writer to tell us what caused the problem in order to know what would the best solution to it be.
The author stated that families often relied on school lunch programs as a way for their children to be provided with at least one meal per day. “In most cases these are not parents who are homeless or out of work...most are...minimum-wage workers who can’t afford enough to eat on their salaries.” Anna
“The school lunch program, begun in the 1970s as a result of bipartisan federal legislation, has been by most measures an enormous success. For lots of poor families it’s become a way to count on at least getting one decent meal into their children, and when it disappears it’s catastrophic,” (page 224) In the essay “Schools out for the Summer” Quindlen writes about the problem of hunger in the USA.
In the article, “Are Our School Lunches Healthy Enough?” by Rice William, the author question whether our school lunches are healthy enough. He discusses the Hunger-Free Kids Act, a campaign originated from first lady, Michelle Obama, in 2010 to help fight childhood obesity, which affects 1 in 3 Americans . It can escalate into diabetes and heart disease, which can make a childs life worse and cost the nation millions.
In “What’s wrong with school lunches”,Ann Cooper who is the director of nutrition services in the school presents the problem of children’s eating. In her perspective, public need to have an awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet and children should be educated by their parents and teacher to have a healthy eating habit. Besides, government need to pay more attention on food safety,because the source of food that is contributes to sickness of children. The one of the effective ways for solute the problem will be the organic food. Growing up nature food which is plant without agricultural chemical and feed to children.
Changing the school lunch menu might eliminate some favorite lunch items but it would increase health in students. A new lunch menu is a good idea because it offers healthy and new choices for students and teachers. Changing the school lunch menu will have a good effect on students who are vegetarians. Some students are vegetarians and they don't have a lot to choose from at school. With a new menu Vegetarians or even students who cant eat some things due to religious values will feel more comfortable going to lunch.
Should School Lunches Change For a long time now people have been arguing over whether or not to change up the restrictions to the lunches served in schools across America. Many different arguments have come up in recent years. School officials should not change up the school lunches because some people need more food than others, they should not be able to tell them what they can and can't eat, and finally because it will take lots of time and money to make the switch. The first reason schools should not put a limit on school lunches because some students need more food than others.
(Paragraph 1 of “School’s Out For Summer”) But does that seem to be the case? Anna Quindlen discusses the problem of child hunger in America and her argument, while using her own evidence to persuade readers that this problem actually exists. According to her article, “15 million students get free lunches at school, and many get breakfast, too.
Lately parents of elementary students have been complaining about being hungry through the school day, or not being able to eat at lunch. Teachers are starting to realize a lack of concentration in their classes, and I’m pretty sure the teachers don’t like it. Each day there are tons of elementary students that are going to school full but leave school hungry. The reason for that is students are being forced to be hungry, because they can’t afford to pay, and schools will not give kids free lunches. All elementary students should be able to eat lunch for free to reduce hunger in schools.
Have you ever wondered if you could ever change the school lunches in the Public schools? Well you’re not the only one, many other people thought about changing the way you eat at lunch and started to change it. Some trials have failed but some have succeeded at the trail for their public school. But some administrators what it to come to all schools, for the fact that they are losing money because kids stopped eating lunches at school.
Education is defined in the Benokraitis’ Soc 3, Third Ed. textbook as, “A social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values, norms, and skills to its members through formal systematic training.” Yet despite the many essential benefits that education offers, “only 34% of Americans have a lot of confidence in our public schools.” The Common Core State Standards Initiative was announced on June 1, 2009 and was intended to offer a consistent and clear understanding of what students needed to learn in order for them to be successful in attaining either a 2 year or 4 year degree, and regardless of whether it’s at a University or a Community College, and thus placing students in a position where they can be competitive
To begin with, the taste alone of school lunches is beyond unsatisfactory. The meals provided by public schools are not appetizing. There exists a tangible disconnect between the enticing, nutritious meals advertised on the school board’s menus and what the students actually receive—pathetic portions and lukewarm meals slapped onto a tray. Children’s complaints about school lunches are often seen as trite. However, while common, they are not any less accurate.
Imagine a school that has multiple healthy school food options, that is worth standing in line for. I think that all schools should have a healthy school lunch. It's very important to have nutritious school lunches so that we can be healthy and have energy during the school day. I think we should have better and healthier school menus. Our school menus are very high in cholesterol and saturated fat.
Yes we most definitely have healthier school lunches there would be no more bullying,active kids, and no obese kids. It would be amazing if the school lunches could be healthy. It would also be a life changing thing for all of the obese kids in the world. There are many kids in the world that are obese. We don’t need school lunches making them obese to.