Social Ecological Model Of School Violence

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violence on the school environment, and violence at home and community both at Eunice High School and Kgora Secondary School. The community will be allowed to recommend ways to reduce school violence, the police will also help stop violence by monitoring schools and inspecting the school bags of student on daily basis and the educators, learners, school governing body and educators would agree on terms of what is school violence and the impact of school violence. Through intervention, people will learn tolerate one another in and outside school premises (Prinsloo & Neser, 2007). More securities need to be employed to ensure safety in school environment and educators should be reminded that corporal punishment is banned in South African schools …show more content…

Charles Darwin is the creator of the socio ecological model. Charles Darwin was interested in the development of species and the way they would adjust to the changes in their environment (Duncan, Bowman, Naidoo, Pillay & Roos, 2015). The socio ecological model is defined as the interaction between the person and their environment (Duncan et al., 2015). The basic assumption is the individual behaviour is because of the interaction between individuals and the contexts they are exposed to (Duncan et al., 2015). This clearly illustrate that reasons behind school violence can be because of many reasons. It could be because being exposed to violent environment in the community or in their homes and also can be because of that being exposed to violence at young age often communicate through violence (Catholic Institute of Education, 2013). Another reason could be that children engage in crime because they want to …show more content…

For the context in the microsystem includes family, school and peer group (Ward et al., 2012). For the intervention in the microsystem will include learners at Eunice and Kroga schools, parents and educations are given psycho-educated on what school violence is focusing on bullying and murder, the effects of violence on the victims, and what contributes to school violence. This creates awareness for learners and educators in a school based system and counselling will be provided for the learners who are victims of school violence in order to minimise the long term

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